首页 > 软件 > 如何看待很多人不赞成iPhone7取消3.5mm耳机接口?


更新时间:2023-06-13 06:50:26 发布时间:104天前

2017 1.12更新



可是我换成了Solo 3。



︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

1997. 乔布斯说新的iMac没有软盘驱动器:



















从Siri on iPhone 4S, 到Siri on the New iPad, 到Siri on watch, TV,今年的Siri on Mac, 现在的Siri on AirPods,可以看到苹果逐渐搭造的AR未来。










( ̄_, ̄ )

Its utterly disgusting to defame Apple and the people that support one of Apples numerous decisions just because you are not an Apple customer. Being different from you doesnt neccessarily mean being worse than you. And being able tocall namesdoesnt mean being capable of reasoning. Being critical doesnt equal to being constructive, especially when you are critical just for the sake of criticism. I know its your desperate attempt to stand out and feel good about yourself, but I wouldnt mind crashing your little fantasies when you make your rude comments personal. You dare not to take any risks, so you stand on top of other peoples efforts and defame other peoples hard work. Isnt that pathetic to just feel good for trying nothing? Nevertheless, the innovateurs and the mature have learned that naysayers matter not. We keep putting our heads down and pushing the world forward and you keep being the noisy drag that make no difference at all.

Alas, isnt that great?

9.18update明天我要翻译1997年WWDC上乔布斯说的话。在这里更适合。斜体是未完成部分,请忽略Steve: What about OpenDoc? What about it? It’s dead, right? Well, let me say something. I know some of you spend a lot of time working on stuff that we put a bullet in the head of. I apologize. But Apple suffered for several years from lousy engineering management. I have to say it. And there were people that were going off in 18 different directions doing arguably interesting things in each one of them. Good engineers – lousy management. And what happened was you look at the farm that’s been created with all these differentgoing in different directions and it doesn’t add up. The total is less than the sum of the parts. And so we had to decide, what are the fundamental directions we’re going in? and what makes sense and what doesn’t? And there were a bunch of things that didn’t. And microcosmically they made sense, macrocosmically they made no sense. And you know, the hardest thing is … you think about focusing, right? You think, well, focusing is saying yes. No, focusing is about saying no. Focusing is about saying no. And you’ve got to say no, no, no. When you say no, you piss off people. And then you go talk to the Santa Fe Mercury and they write a shitty article about you. You know? And it’s really a pisser, because you want to be nice, you don’t want to tell the Santa Fe Mercury a person was asked to leave or this or that. So you take your. And Apple’s been taking their share of lumps for the last 6 months in a very unfair way and has been taking them like an adult. And I’m proud of that. And there is more to come, I’m sure. I read these articles about some of these people that have left. I know some of these people. They haven’t done anything in 7 years. And you know, they leave and it’s like the company’s going to fall apart. And so, you know, I think there will be stories like that – but focus is about saying no. And the result of that focus is going to be some really great products where the total is much greater than the sum of the parts. And OpenDoc… I was for putting a bullet in the head of OpenDoc. I mean, I think it was great technology but it didn’t fit. The rest of the world isn’t going to use OpenDoc. And I think as a container strategy there is some stuff in the java space that is much better. And even the OpenDoc guys were basically trying to rewrite the whole thing in java anyway, which was a restart. So, it didn’t make sense.Steve: You know, you can please some of the people some of, but…. One of the hardest things when you’re trying to effect change is that people like this gentleman are right in some areas. I’m sure that there are some things OpenDoc does, probably even more that I’m not familiar with, that nothing else out there does. And I’m sure that you could make some, maybe a small commercial app, that demonstrates those things. The hardest thing is: how does that fit in to a, larger vision, that’s going to allow you to sell 8 billion dollars, 10 billion dollars of product a year? And, one of the things I’ve always found is that you’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards for the technology. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure out where you’re going to try to sell it. And I made this mistake probably more than anybody else in this room. And I got the scar tissue to prove it. And I know that it’s.

And as we have tried to come up with a strategy and a vision for Apple, it started with What incredible benefits can we give to the customer? Where can we take the customer? Not starting with Let’s sit down with the engineers and figure out what awesome technology we have and then how are we going to market that? And I think that’s the right path to take. I remember with the Laser Writer. We built the world’s first small laser, as you know. And there was awesome technology in that box. We had the first Canon cheap laser-printing engineer in the United States here at Apple. We had a very wonderful printer controller that we designed. We had Adobe’s PostScript software, we had AppleTalk in there. Just awesome technology in the box. And I remember seeing the first print out come out of this. And just picking it up and looking at it and thinking, You know, we can sell this. Because you don’t have to know anything about what’s in that box. All we have to do is hold this up and say, Do you want this? And if you can remember, back in 1984, before laser printers, it was pretty startling to see that. People went, Whoa. And that’s where Apple’s got to get back to.

And you know, I’m sorry that OpenDoc is aalong the way, and I readily admit that there are many things in life that I don’t have the faintest idea what I’m talking about. So, I apologize for that too, but there’s a whole lot of people working super super hard right now at Apple. Avi, John, _______, Fred. The whole team is working, burning the midnight oil, and hundreds of people below them, to execute on some of these things and they’re doing their best. And somewill be made along the way. That’s good, because at least some decisions are being made along the way. When we find a mistake, we’ll fix it. I think what we need to do is support that team going through this very important stage, as they work their butts off. They’re all getting calls being offered three times as much money to go do this and that. None of them are leaving. And I think we need to support them through this and write some damn good applications to support Apple out in the market. That’s my point of view. Mistakes will be made, some people will be pissed off, some people will not know what they’re talking about, but I think it’s so much better than where things were not very long ago. And I think we’re going to get there.



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RoundedTB 允许您自定义Windows 11和 Windows 10上的任务栏。它是自定义 Windows 11 外观的最佳应用程序之一,并且在最近的更新中变得更好了。当窗口最大化时,最新版本的 RoundedTB 现在可以填充到屏幕的边缘。这使得任务栏看起来更自然,因为它不会在屏幕上留下间隙。根据其更新日志,该更新还提高了性能并修复了几个“令人震惊的错误”。

以下是 RoundedTB 3.1 版中的所有新功能:

3.1 版对第 3 版进行了改进,解决了一些潜入的更严重的错误。还有一些性能增强和一些新功能!值得注意的是,这些包括:

当窗口最大化时(或者在 Windows 11 上调用 alt+tab 或任务切换器时)让任务栏“填充”的选项

RoundedTB 是不断增长的可以自定义 Windows 外观的应用程序列表的一部分。它自 Windows 10 以来一直存在,但具有一些与 Windows 11 配合良好的新功能。该应用程序可以将任务栏分成多个部分。它还可以使 Windows 11 任务栏像浮动码头一样工作。与 Windows 10 的情况一样,该应用程序还可以使任务栏的角变圆并添加边距。

如果您正在使用Windows 11或 Windows 10,那么独家新闻:2021 年 11 月的补丁星期二没有包含任何特别有趣的亮点或花哨的功能更新。相反,您正在获得安全性。


您可以在 Microsoft 的补丁说明博客上查看 Windows 10 更新,其中除了安全更新和服务堆栈通知之外,您不会看到任何重大更新,这是每个补丁星期二的标准。但是,微软在其 11 月的日志中确实包含了一个提示:

由于假期和即将到来的西方新年期间的操作很少,因此 2021 年 12 月不会有预览版本(称为“C”版本)。将有每月安全版本(称为“ B" 版本) 于 2021 年 12 月。B 和 C 版本的正常月度服务将于 2022 年 1 月恢复。

在 Windows 11 方面,有 KB5007215,它同样专注于安全性。但是,您可以查看 Microsoft 的支持公告以获取更多详细信息,其中之一包括 GDI+ 问题已得到修复。和往常一样,服务堆栈更新是存在的,因为这就是补丁星期二发生的事情。

总之,低调的一个月更新。根据微软关于 12 月的通知(上面发布),2021 年的最后一个月的内容可能也很淡。也就是说,除非有什么大规模的事情出现,促使微软超速运转。比如说,一个印刷噩梦。
